June 01, 2010

They call her out by her Name.

I wish I had this blog on a device that I could take to go... (am I expressing a desire for a blackberry? uhhh ohh..) It's just that I always have thoughts when I'm walking around town, seeing smiles and frowns and people doing things that make me smile and frown and eventually get me thinking.. but by the time I get my ass back to a computer, wait for 'ol bessie to boot up, put on Shiver by Shawn Desmand, creep facebook and then get on good old blogspot.. the thoughts have left my head.
It's a damn good thing I keep getting more.

I was listening to the song 'She Talks to Angels' today by The Black Crowes - a classic kg favourite. I can't get sick of it and every time I hear it, i feel something. It got me thinking about other songs that make me feel this as well. Why do I like them? Desparado by The Eagles. Into the Mystic by Van Morrisson. The common denominator? I can't seem to figure them out.

There are some songs I can't get enough of because the lyrics are so powerful and meaningful. These are songs that I will listen to over and over and over until I've got them completely figured out and there is no more room in my brain for interpretation. Examples: Total Eclipse of the Heart, Speechless (Gaga) and Edge of Desire (JM).
Sometimes (like Shiver), the lyrics aren't the powerful aspect, but the sounds. The beat. The images that appear in my head when I listen to them. That's what I love about the song.
But these song obsessions go away.

Angels, Desparado and Mytic obsessions are stuck to me. They are beyond me. For me, their beauty lies in the mystery of their meaning. And I like it.
I guess that's the case for most things, really - The ocean. The universe. Far away places that we can't yet reach but can only imagine what it would be like if we could.

After telling me that a restaurant that used to just be a family restaurant seems so much smaller now that it is her workplace, I responded to my bestie (http://imnotreallygone.blogspot.com/), that things tend to seem a lot smaller when you've figured them out.
Apparently for me, the most beautiful things are those you can't figure out...

Stay big.

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